Village Centre Public Art Feature

As part of our ongoing work within and around Camp Hill we are consulting residents about plans for a new Public Art Feature in a new public open space within the Village Centre development.
Outline Planning Approval has been secured for this phase of the development, so now is the time we should be considering the theme and form of the feature so that we may begin forward planning and seeking funding.

We very much hope that you can spare 2 minutes to complete this questionnaire; your ideas and opinions will be very much appreciated.

This questionnaire is open to anyone wishing to express an opinion, and is not just limited to Camp Hill Residents.

Phone Number:
Can we contact you in the future regarding this survey?
Would you like to join a planning group for the new art feature?
Is it important to have an art feature in the new public open space?
Should residents be consulted about the new art feature?
Should residents form a planning group to make decisions about the art feature?
Should the art features theme be about the future?
Is it important that the art feature's theme considers the past?
Which of the following types of art feature would you favour?
Any other comments?

Thank you for your time in completing our survey.